Time of delivery

Dear customer.

We appreciate and thank you for your interest in our work and services.
The reports we prepare are not computer generated reports, so they require the proper time. Astrology is a spiritual science, which besides the technical knowledge requires insight, wisdom and a great deal of intuition from the astrologer, which usually flows easier when the mind is calm and without time pressure. That’s why i like to work on a report without rush, taking all the needed time to think about a chart, look at it from different angles, think what I am writing about, read it again at different times or different days and so. Sometimes I just like to wait until I get some insight about a specific part of a chart, before finishing a report. But I also know that you are looking forward to receive your report, so I do my best to complete it as soon as possible. Most of the time, if not too busy, I complete the reports in about 2 or 3 weeks after the order, but there are periods of high demand when the schedule gets tighter by teaching or traveling and I need more time, sometimes 1 month or more to complete a report. If for some reason you need a report with urgency, please write to me before to check the possibilities or an estimate time of delivery. Thanks a lot for your patience; i hope to make it worth for you!

Krishna Darshan


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